Camp Curiosity
This is where I will make available resources for outdoor learning.
I previously had provided my Outdoor Learning Curriculum Plan available on here, but unfortunately I have a sneaking feeling that more than one person/organisation has rebranded it and was passing my work off as their own.
Primary School Outdoor Learning Curriculum Plan
Putting together this plan has been a real labour of love, that at times I didn't think I would actually finish.
This plan started life as a series of notes that I had put together for myself, structuring the general themes of my outdoor lessons and events around the changes in the seasons and key celebratory events throughout the year. Over time these notes became more of a foundation that I kept referring back to as a starting point and then inevitably adding to.
I decided to formalise these loose ideas and themes into a more structured overview, as I could see the focus on learning outside the classroom and the importance on a child's mental health and wellbeing in spending time outdoors.
As soon as I started to bring it all together, I knew that I would turn this into a document that anyone looking to provide learning outside the classroom could use as a template to start their own outdoor learning journey.
So here we have it, and it's free to you to download and use and I do this with hope in my heart that you won't try and reproduce any part of it for your own commercial gain, or try and pass off any of it as your own work. This document is the culmination not only of the 100 hours or so I have spent putting it together, but of the past 20 years of my career and I give it to you so that you can use it in your own outdoor space.